
Data Literacy Trends in 2022

Investing in leadership skills as well as data skills allows organizations can ensure that they can have decisive marketplace and intra-organizational impacts. The Chief Data Officer (CDO) role is only a few years old, and many organizations still don’t have a CDO. Data Literacy is an essential component to all of this. In a recent […]

Data Architecture Trends in 2022

The primary purpose of implementing a Data Architecture is to standardize the methods and  protocols, as well as the systems for acquiring, storing, managing, and sharing data across the enterprise for improved decision-making. In modern businesses, most decisions are made in real time, and to facilitate an efficient and real-time friendly Data Management infrastructure, data […]

A Brief History of Data Management

Data Management is the organization of data, the steps used to achieve efficiency, and gather business intelligence from that data. Data Management, as a concept, began in the 1960s, with ADAPSO (the Association of Data Processing Service Organizations) forwarding Data Management advice, with an emphasis on professional training and quality assurance metrics. Data management has […]

How to Become a Data Scientist

Becoming a data scientist does not necessarily require a master’s degree. There is a significant shortage of data scientists, and some employers are comfortable hiring people who lack a degree, but have the experience needed. The majority of employed data scientists have a master’s degree, but over 25% do not. If you have the experience, […]

Working Towards Explainable AI

“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.” This quote comes from the man who came up with the theory of relativity – not exactly the easiest concept to understand. That said, had he lived a bit longer, Albert Einstein might have said “AI” instead of “income tax.” Einstein died in […]

Data Quality Dimensions

Data Quality dimensions are useful concepts for improving the quality of data assets. Although Data Quality dimensions have been promoted for many years, descriptions of how to actually use them have often been somewhat vague. Data that is considered to be of high quality is consistent and unambiguous. Poor Data Quality results in inconsistent and […]

Better Data Modeling with Lean Methodology

The process used today in systems development started with principles developed for assembly lines in the 1950s, when manufacturers wanted a more disciplined approach to producing goods and services.Products would come off an assembly line, they’d be inspected, defects would be found, and would be sent back to rework or start from scratch. This process […]

Deep Reinforcement Learning: What, Why, How

Reinforcement learning (RL), a “niche” machine learning technique, has surfaced in recent years. In context-based decision-making, reinforcement learning helps the machine take action-provoking decision-making through a trial-and-error approach to achieve the optimal algorithmic model for a situation. Furthermore, the machine is trained through a reward/penalty-based feedback mechanism, the goal of which is to continuously improve […]