In today’s digital world, data is the most critical enterprise asset. Data is required to run software, drive business intelligence, and deliver new functionality. Consequently, companies have tried to hoard as much data as possible. In fact, data has become known as “the new oil,” among many. This sentiment, however, is misleading. Data is not […]
Navigating the Sea of Data Mapping Solutions
This is the third and final blog post in my “Charting a Course Through the Data Mapping Maze.” If you’ve been following the previous posts, thanks for joining me on this journey. Part one defined data mapping and outlined key components and why it’s essential. Part two explored how data mapping works, the common techniques used, […]
From Chaos to Clarity: How Metadata Shapes the Future of Data Management
Just as the sun serves as the gravitational center, orchestrating the dance of planets in our cosmic neighborhood, data governance stands as the cornerstone in the vast realm of data management. Without a doubt, it’s the gravitational force that holds everything together. Let’s dive deeper into this analogy. Imagine for a moment that our solar […]
The Role of Data Engineering in AI and Machine Learning Projects
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing nearly every industry, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and entertainment. Intelligent assistants, self-driving cars, facial recognition systems, and many other contributions are on the list. However, behind the glitz and glamor of these advancements, there is an underappreciated field: data engineering. Data is the lifeblood that fuels today’s […]
How Organizations Can Overcome Barriers to Leveraging Real-Time Data
Digital-first businesses are managing an overwhelming amount of data, and many are struggling to make sense of it all and turn it into meaningful and actionable insights. Customers want fast and more personalized experiences at their fingertips, and real-time analytics is a key tool that companies can use to deliver tailored and responsive user experiences […]
Ask a Data Ethicist: What Happens to Your Data When a Company Goes Bankrupt?
The recent meltdown of 23andme and what might become of their DNA database got me thinking about this question: What happens to your data when a company goes bankrupt? To say the past year has been a tough one for 23andme is an understatement. This latest turn of events, which involves infighting between management and […]
The AI Paradox: Why Investment Doesn’t Guarantee Success Without Privacy and Security
Year after year, organizations across industries have continued to push the limits of their technology capabilities through the increased adoption of AI. To put this into perspective, global investments in AI more than doubled in 2023, reaching $200 billion, and the market is now expected to reach a valuation of nearly $2 trillion within the next […]
Mind the Gap: Migration Projects – Gaining Traction or Spinning Your Wheels
Hardware and software migration projects are like crack for IT executives. Especially when the number on the new invoice is smaller than the number on the old invoice. Even better when the products can be folded into a previously negotiated enterprise agreement and made to appear free. Add to that an audience with the vendor […]
Bridging the Gap: Harmonizing RDBMS with Data Warehousing for Scalability
As businesses grow, so does the complexity of managing and analyzing data. Traditionally, relational database management systems (RDBMS) have been the backbone of data storage, offering robust and reliable transactional capabilities. However, as data volumes increase, traditional RDBMS solutions start to hit their limits, causing performance issues that affect overall operations. The need to scale […]
The Legal Necessity of Secure Data Erasure in Preventing Data Breaches
A data breach is like the iceberg that sank the “unsinkable” Titanic – it can swiftly bring down even the most powerful organizations. In today’s data-driven world, as per IBM’s 2024 report, the cost of data breaches has skyrocketed to $4.88 million per incident globally, while in the United States, this figure is almost double at $9.36 million […]