
Scale-Out ZFS: Scalable Storage for Exponential Data Growth and Powerful Data Protection

Advanced data-intensive applications, the increased use of digitalization, and IoT devices are forcing organizations across various industries to reevaluate how they handle large amounts of data and exponential data growth effectively and efficiently.  ZFS is a popular storage system because it is powerful and flexible, making it well-suited to handle large amounts of data while […]

Top Data Migration Considerations for Data Teams

Organizations have become highly data-centric in the past years, increasing complications and costs as the volume of data rose. However, data integrity issues alone cost organizations $12.9 million annually, on average, according to Gartner. Because of this, data professionals have spent valuable time, resources, and brainpower on identifying and solving data issues rather than higher-value tasks. […]

Is Your Data Ready for Generative AI?

Generative AI (GenAI) is all the rage in the world today, thanks to the advent of tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E. To their credit, these innovations are extraordinary. They’ve put the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) into the hands of everyday users. However, these tools have also skewed our perceptions of what […]

Strong AI/ML Must Be Founded on a Strong Data Strategy

The list of use cases powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies is growing exponentially across nearly every business sector. Enterprises of all kinds are leveraging these advanced capabilities and scaling them through automation to improve business process management, sharpen organizational strategies, and reap more analytical and predictive insights from data for […]

Self-Service Data Without Chaos

Information is power, and the ability to put information into the hands of those who can quickly act on it separates the leaders from the laggards in any market. Everyone in an organization – from HR professionals leveraging data to dictate hiring decisions to brand managers leveraging data for pricing optimization – benefits from analytics. […]