
Tales of Data Modelers

Reading Larry Burns’ “Data Model Storytelling” (, 2021) was a really good experience for a guy like me (i.e., someone who thinks that data models are narratives). I agree with Larry on so many things. However, this post is not a review of Larry’s book. Read it for yourself – highly recommended. Reading it triggered […]

A Strategic Approach to Data Quality

“To tackle today’s Data Quality challenges, you need a more strategic approach,” said Nigel Turner, Principal Consultant, Global Data Strategy. Turner spoke at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data Governance Online (EDGO) Conference about Data Quality Management, what it entails, and how to succeed by aligning it closely with two other disciplines. What is Data Quality Management? […]

Data Architect vs. Data Engineer

Data careers are becoming increasingly important and popular all across the globe, simply because “data” is the new currency of the data economy. The pandemic gave the needed push to accelerate the digital transformation of global businesses, and currently, the primary market differentiator is an enterprise’s data infrastructure readiness. This data infrastructure comprises systems, processes, […]

What Is a Knowledge Graph?

A knowledge graph, which can be considered a type of ontology, depicts “knowledge in terms of entities and their relationships,” according to GitHub. An example of a knowledge graph is shown below. Knowledge graphs developed from the need to do something with or act upon information based on context. For example, knowledge graphs help identify […]

Is Machine Learning a Good Fit for Your Product?

Click to learn more about author Juras Juršėnas. Not all machine learning applications have been met with resounding success. In fact, there’s a lot of disappointment involved. From overly ambitious projects to the expectation of ever being a finished product, machine learning is marred with false hope. I think Andrey Kurenkov has done a stellar […]

What Is a Data Architect?

A data architect provides clear specifications, models, and definitions, translating a business’ Data Strategy into a Data Architecture and implementing this structure to align with an organization’s Data Governance. An architect is one who designs and advises on the construction of something. Data architects take an organization’s raw data and data assets and builds a […]