
What Is Reference Data?

Reference data (a.k.a. as master data, or golden copy, or single source of truth [SSOT] ) describes the set of data an organization needs for daily operations. According to the DAMA-DMBoK2, reference data characterizes or classifies or relates to other data or information external to the organization.  It describes the core entities of the business […]

Seven Tools for Effective CDO Leadership

The position of Chief Data Officer (CDO) is relatively new in the federal government, and emerging regulations are providing leadership opportunities for the CDO. A new law, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, went into effect on January 14, 2019, establishing a set of standards and practices for the United States federal government to modernize […]

The Security Champions of the Developer World

Click to learn more about author Anne Hardy. Organizations that want to secure applications are challenged by understaffed security teams and a lack of security awareness on the part of developers, reports Forrester. When developers do understand the importance of security and how to incorporate it into their work, they are security champions — often […]

Emerging Cloud Computing Technologies

It has taken many years for cloud computing technologies to mature and become mainstream in global businesses. Now the skeptics have stopped questioning the long-range sustainability of the cloud ecosystem, but it remains to be seen how allied technologies like edge, serverless, IoT, AI, and big data can together fulfill enterprise business needs. Many cloud […]

The False Technology Choice Dichotomy

Click to learn more about author David Segleau. I recently spent more than a few hours trying to build and configure a DIY solution in the cloud for ad-hoc analytical queries. The exact pieces of software are not that important because all of the build-it-yourself-better-and-cheaper solutions start to look the same after a while. After […]