
Improving Data Pipelines with DataOps

Click to learn more about author Joe DosSantos. It was only a few years ago that BI and data experts excitedly claimed that petabytes of unstructured data could be brought under control with data pipelines and orderly, efficient data warehouses. But as big data continued to grow and the amount of stored information increased every […]

DataEd Slides: Exorcising the Seven Deadly Data Sins

DataEd Slides: Exorcising the Seven Deadly Data Sins from DATAVERSITY To view just the On Demand recording of this presentation, click HERE>> About the Webinar The difficulty of implementing a new data strategy often goes under-appreciated, particularly the multi-faceted procedural challenges that need to be met while doing so. Deficiencies in organizational readiness and core […]

DataEd Webinar: Exorcising the Seven Deadly Data Sins

To view just the slides from this presentation, click HERE>> About the Webinar The difficulty of implementing a new data strategy often goes under-appreciated, particularly the multi-faceted procedural challenges that need to be met while doing so. Deficiencies in organizational readiness and core competence represent clearly visible problems faced by data managers, but beyond that […]

The Right Data Governance for Your Organization’s Culture

“If you pay attention to how many times you hear conference speakers use the word ‘culture,’ you’re going to be surprised,” remarked Mary Levins, founder of Sierra Creek Consulting, during her DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data World Conference presentation titled The Culture-Centric Approach to Data Governance. She co-presented with Cassie Elder, the owner of DataCraft Partners. They […]

The Evolution of Data as an Asset

From an Afterthought to a Core Business Asset: The Journey of Data In recent years, the phenomenal growth of connected devices and advanced data technologies, along with the availability of affordable data storage, transfer, and processing capabilities, has enabled businesses to gain competitive intelligence on demand.Despite recognizing the strategic potential of data, many businesses face […]