
Lacing Up EDI and API to Win the Omnichannel Race: Is the Boot on the Other Foot?

Click here to learn more about John Thielens. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly amplified the demand for companies to seamlessly handle omnichannel exchanges, as reported by a recent Nielsen study. In addition, as a result of the pandemic, work-from-home and remote management requirements have forced enterprises to adopt cloud-hosted applications. Enterprises that had previously relied […]

Data Governance Can Create “Data Trusts” for Consumers in Organizations

Click to learn more about author Tejasvi Addagada. In the past few months, Firms have accelerated digital transformation across multiple journeys of on-boarding and servicing customers. This has been possible by integrating and aggregating Multi-sources as well as taming the ‘Data Swamps’ to deliver quality data. Platform Governance is the mantra to a healthy delivery of […]

Improving Data Pipelines with DataOps

Click to learn more about author Joe DosSantos. It was only a few years ago that BI and data experts excitedly claimed that petabytes of unstructured data could be brought under control with data pipelines and orderly, efficient data warehouses. But as big data continued to grow and the amount of stored information increased every […]