In 1865, Richard Millar Devens presented the phrase “Business Intelligence” (BI) in the “Cyclopædia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes.” He used it to describe how Sir Henry Furnese, a banker, profited from information by gathering and acting on it before his competition. More recently, in 1958, an article was written by an IBM computer scientist […]
Data Governance: How Can It Be a Crucial Enabler for Managing Data Risks?
In July 2021, one of the world’s leading banks revealed a loss of $5.5 billion due to a default by one of its customers. The bank identified the “failure of management and controls” in its investment banking arm as the fundamental cause of this loss. This incident reinforces the importance of a robust governance framework […]
Don’t Be Held Hostage by Legacy Data Backup
Today is World Backup Day, our annual reminder of the importance of being diligent about backing up data to prevent data loss. But the fact is, the rate at which data levels are exploding in size is far outpacing what legacy data backup systems can achieve. The way we have done backup for the past 20 […]
Optimizing Data Quality to Navigate Economic Turbulence
Sustained economic volatility and a global recession have forced enterprise leaders to make difficult decisions. Some are reducing headcount and scaling down operational overhead to become more agile, while others have implemented cost-saving measures, such as cutting tech spend, to improve financial flexibility. These initiatives may provide companies with short-term reprieve during times of disruption, […]
Seven Essential Data Management Skills
As businesses continue to promote a culture of data democratization, effective strategies for managing data migrations and ensuring secure data access are gathering steam. IDC predicts that advanced Data Management skills will be necessary for up to 50% of everyday business operations in both large enterprises and small organizations this year. Data centers are becoming increasingly important for […]
The Key to Unstructured Data Management: Communicating About Your Data
Sharing information about what’s happening with the unstructured data in your organization is much more difficult than it might appear. Miscommunication can negatively impact virtually every aspect of your organization, from your IT, storage teams, and app developers – all the way to the business and other end users. However, it is critical to have […]
Maximizing Your Enterprise Data Security: The Ultimate Guide to Secure Data Transfer
Running a modern business is only possible with frequent file transfers. Expanding one’s presence in the digital space and changing working habits make the practice even more widespread. While efficient, data transfer can pose risks to security and credibility. Being up to speed on current best practices is critical to a company’s continued data integrity and reputation. […]
Alation Demo: Data Intelligence + Human Brilliance
Download the slides here>> Want to reduce the time spent searching for data so you can increase the time spent leveraging it to make decisions and reduce risk? Join us at this demo to learn how a data catalog acts as a search engine to unlock potential for success by:
Innovative Systems Demo: Unlock the Full Potential of Your CRM by Improving Data Quality
Download the slides here>> To realize the benefits of better customer service, increased sales, and improved customer retention that CRM systems can provide, companies must work with data that is free from duplicates, misplaced information, and formatting errors. Poor quality data leads to incorrect conclusions, misinformed decision making, and unhappy customers, yet many companies […]
Informatica Demo: Bring Data to Life With Informatica’s Intelligent Data Management Cloud
Download the slides here>> Informatica’s Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) is a comprehensive data management cloud solution that can grow your business with trusted data for analytics and AI, reduce costs and improve process efficiencies with automated workflows, provide a single source of truth for better CX and increase ROI with a modern multi-cloud/hybrid […]