
Data Masking Best Practices and Benefits

In today’s digital world, data rules. Yet information must remain confidential to have any value in a business context. Customer data, financial records, and intellectual property are susceptible to cyber threats. As a result, reinforcing security is a must for organizations that want to keep their reputation. This is where data masking comes in. What Is […]

Fundamentals of Data Access Management

Across all industries, and in businesses of all sizes, one thing holds true: The more you know about your customers, the greater your organization’s chances for success. This makes data your company’s most valuable non-human asset. As the revenue potential of data increases, the job of protecting that data becomes more important and more challenging. […]

Why Master Data Management (MDM) and AI Go Hand in Hand

Organizations have long struggled with the “eternal data problem” – that is, how to collect, store, and manage the massive amount of data their businesses generate. This problem will become more complex as organizations adopt new resource-intensive technologies like AI and generate even more data. By 2025, the IDC expects worldwide data to reach 175 zettabytes, more […]

The Data Puppets Preview

The Data Rants video blog series begins with host Scott Taylor “The Data Whisperer.” The series covers some of the most prominent questions in Data Management, such as master data, the difference between master data and MDM, “truth” versus “meaning” in data, Data Quality, and so much more. Today’s data rant is a preview trailer of the upcoming […]

Data Governance vs. Data Management

When managers and workers discuss Data Governance (DG), a business program that supports harmonized data activities, vs. Data Management (DM), a comprehensive collection of practices, concepts, and processes dedicated to leveraging data assets, they often use the terms interchangeably. Sometimes, both words point to the same concepts, and these conversations remain productive. At other times, switching between […]

Key-Value Databases Demystified

In 1966, a DEC PDP-7 computer was delivered to the Massachusetts General Hospital without any programming. The hospital had invested in a computer but had no way to run it. At this time, there was very little in the way of software options, operating systems, or database support. The hospital did, however, have access to […]

Blockchain-Powered Cybersecurity: Fortifying Digital Defenses in a Decentralized World

In today’s digital age, where data breaches and cyberattacks have become increasingly common, the need for robust cybersecurity measures is more critical than ever. Traditional centralized security systems have proven to be vulnerable to hacking and manipulation, leading to significant losses for individuals and businesses alike. However, emerging technologies like blockchain offer a promising solution […]