Click to learn more about author Hemanth Kumar Yamjala. DevOps has emerged as an effective methodology to ensure the development, testing, and deployment of top-quality software applications quickly. Continuous testing is an important cog in the wheel of DevOps, involving the execution of a number of tests. Businesses globally are facing the twin challenges of […]
Data Lessons to Learn from Industries that Stay Strong During a Crisis
Click to learn more about author Samuel Bocetta. Amidst all the talk of lockdowns, quarantines, and a looming global economic crash, it can be easy to forget that some companies are doing pretty well during the current pandemic. Unlike previous economic crises, this crisis has led to a widespread change in working practices and has […]
How DevOps Teams Can Use Data to Streamline Feature Releases
Click to learn more about Dave Karow. What good is data without context? Most teams have multiple sources of data that capture customer behavior and application performance, but few have connected the dots between that data and individual code changes. Watching for a spike in a graph after doing a deployment may be “easy,” but […]
Why Metadata is Even More Important Than Data
Click to learn more about author Nabil Lodey. Most companies, whether in finance, retail, or government sectors, are seeking to make the most of their data to gain a competitive advantage. But not many organizations are making effective use of metadata. Arguably, data on its own can be meaningless, but when combined with metadata, it […]
When Myopic Vision Can Blindside a Business
Click to learn more about author Eran Brown. In the aftermath of COVID-19, financial uncertainty is, for most, among the top concerns of both IT and business leaders, and the lasting impact is likely to affect decision-making processes and priorities for the coming years. As markets rebuild and review processes going forward, IT leaders must […]
Data Governance and Data Stewardship Drive Successful Glossaries and Dictionaries
It would be any data manager’s nightmare to run meetings that create pedantic and irrelevant business glossaries or data dictionaries, which eventually gather cyber dust. However, skipping over building and maintaining a good business glossary or data dictionary risks convoluted meanings, confusing communications, and business failures. What should a company do? Robert S. Seiner (Bob), […]
It’s Time to Admit It: Backup is Your Job
Click to learn more about author W. Curtis Preston. Salesforce finally made it official: Backup is the customer’s responsibility. To be clear, it always was the customer’s responsibility, but Salesforce used to provide a safety net that some used as an excuse not to back up their Salesforce account. As of July 31, 2020, that […]
Can Our Future Networks and Connected Society Survive Without Automation?
Click to learn more about author Ilan Sade. Are we at a watershed moment for network automation? COVID-19 has pushed a significant number of consumers and businesses into a digital-first, connectivity-centric ecosystem beyond anything we’ve seen before. The pandemic has made it clear we can’t afford gaps and broken areas within our network infrastructure that […]
Change is Good, Monitoring Change is Better, Improving Change Monitoring is Best
Click to learn more about author Thomas LaRock. Change is good — that’s what “progress” is. Usually, changes make our apps better and improve our tools. But no one likes it when a bad change hobbles those apps and causes us to waste hours sifting through code to figure out where it all went wrong. And […]
The Role of Data Integration During the Pandemic
Click to learn more about author Ibrahim Surani. In 2020, the world came to a standstill when COVID-19 took over. Its impact has been visible across every industry all over the world. However, one major advantage we have in managing this modern pandemic is sophisticated technology that can help us flatten the curve. By collecting […]