
So Your Customer Data Is Broken: Now What?

Click to learn more about author Olivia Hinkle. Over the past few months, businesses have been digging deeper into their CRM data and using email as a primary channel for communicating critical messages. They’ve also been eagerly reminding customers of their presence, even if the customer hasn’t been to their business or website for years. […]

What Is Augmented Analytics?

Augmented analytics combines sophisticated machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to enable users to extract intelligence more quickly and simply. In addition, this kind of automation guides the user toward new insights, through built-in trend pattern recognition and pattern recognition tools. Augmented analytics share the following characteristics: Smart data discovery tools assisting business […]

The Privacy Shield Fell — Now What?

Click to learn more about author Stefano Maffulli. Personal data flows between countries as fast as dollars and euros. The current of personal data between US companies and European citizens was abruptly switched off after Europe’s top court killed a trans-Atlantic agreement that allows data to move between the European Union and the United States. […]

Garbage In, Garbage Out: How We Got Here and Why We Must Get Out Now

Click to learn more about author Bill O’Kane. Organizations across industries continue to deal with a broad-based inability to commoditize siloed business processes in favor of a digital business transformation — one that requires a common understanding of the organization’s master data. Studies have found that many businesses have recently become much more cognizant of this, or […]

Fundamentals of Machine Learning Enabled Analytics

The famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said, “It’s tempting to dismiss the notion of highly intelligent machines as mere science fiction.” Artificial intelligence (AI), the game-changer technology of the global business world, comprises three distinct sub-disciplines: machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and cognitive computing. Automated solutions in business analytics use all these sub-technologies, […]