
The Collective Data Literacy Gap

Every graph, data set, and chart has a story behind it. Knowing how to make sense of that narrative across an organization requires data literacy. Increasing the data literacy of smaller teams can be complicated, but equiping an entire organization is an even bigger task. So many teams bring in so many different skill sets […]

Data Strategy Trends in 2020

When it comes to having a Data Strategy, are you there yet? Remember, a real Data Strategy isn’t a road stop. It’s the destination. There’s optimism that Data Strategy in 2020 will be on the highway somewhere between those two points. Much of the good vibe is created by the fact that business stakeholders are […]

Case Study: JTC Grows its Cloud Services Core through Trust and Teamwork

Trust, teamwork, and technology form the core of Jewell Technical Consulting, Inc. (JTC) and its partnership with Leaseweb USA, a leading hosting and cloud services company whose offerings include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions. JTC, a company providing private cloud services to North Virginia and D.C. metro businesses, was originally utilizing another hosting facility 20 miles way […]

Data Strategy vs. Business Strategy

For any transformational Business Strategy, data-driven intelligence must be “readily accessible, interpretable, and actionable” whenever necessary. At the macro level, a data-driven culture has to be consciously propagated throughout the organization, end-to-end. Digital businesses have acknowledged the importance of data accessibility and have embraced this culture within their business model to remain competitive. The late […]

The Art of Data Extraction

To be a data-driven business, companies need data. A lot of data. They have plenty of data in-house to work with, of course — their customer and sales data, data they get from their subscriptions to third-party data providers, and so on. But what about all that data on the web? Sourcing data from the […]