
Data Quality Tools and Solutions

Data Quality tools can help to make data more trustworthy and more manageable. Inaccurate data promotes poor decision-making, missed opportunities, and lower profits. As use of the cloud continues to grow and become more complex, Data Quality has become a critical issue. Data Quality tools, when used effectively, resolve the issues that cause these problems. […]

Database Management 101

An important tool for organizations to ensure their data is stored, validated, and protected is database management. It is used to develop and deploy processes that end users are comfortable with. They can feel confident that the data is easy to work with, reliable, and accessible. It is important to make sure your organization’s data is […]

Types of Data Models and Their Uses

Businesses can benefit from Data Modeling in a variety of important ways. Data models serve two primary purposes. They can be designed to represent the organization’s current data system, providing an understanding of how the data flows through an organization, or be developed to show a new desired data system.  The model can be used […]


Every December, we here at DATAVERSITY set aside time to dig through our data and reflect on the hits and misses of the year. We want to know: Which content did you, our data-loving readers, consume and enjoy the most? Which Data Management topics and experts helped you learn valuable new skills, succeed at your […]

Using Graph Technology in the Evolution of AI

Graph technology is being used to promote the evolution of artificial intelligence. Graph databases show how data is interlinked, expressing relationships within the data that cannot be communicated using a tabular SQL system. They work especially well when complex patterns must be identified quickly. Graphs are an excellent tool for inferring relationships and enhancing artificial […]

NoSQL Databases: Advantages and Disadvantages

NoSQL databases (aka non-relational databases) come with both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, they are more scalable than traditional relational databases and can store a variety of formats. Additionally, they are easy to use, and their flexibility can speed up development, especially in a cloud computing environment. NoSQL databases were developed as a […]

7 Key Features of Data Management Systems

Data Management is the practice of gathering, organizing, securing, and storing data for an organization so it can be analyzed for business decisions. Data Management helps minimize potential errors by setting processes and policies around its usage and building confidence in the data used for decision-making throughout the company. Businesses implement Data Management systems to ensure that data […]

Data Modeling 101

Data Modeling creates a visual representation of a data system as a whole or as parts of it. The goal is to communicate the kinds of data being used and saved within the system. A data model should also show the data’s relationships, how the data can be organized, and the formats used. A data model can […]