by Angela Guess Ron Bodkin recently wrote in Dataconomy, “In the world of data science, great strides are being made in the area of deep learning. We’ve made so much progress that it is easy to think that instead of having to embrace data science as a discipline, we can somehow wait a little big […]
The Latest Anaconda Innovation Enhances Analytics Performance By 7x
by Angela Guess According to a new article out of the company, “Continuum Analytics, the creator and driving force behind Anaconda, the leading modern open source analytics platform powered by Python, today announced the release of Anaconda 2.5. The latest version of Anaconda is now coupled with Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) optimization to […]
How to Start a Second Career as a Data Scientist
by Angela Guess Aaron Beach recently wrote in IT Pro Portal, “Let’s say you’re a marketer with a passion for numbers; maybe you’d describe yourself as a bit of a stats geek and you love an illustrated workflow. What if you’re having a change of heart on your chosen career? What if you now want […]
Choosing the Right Type of Data Scientist for Your Business
by Angela Guess Michael Li recently wrote in the Harvard Business Review, “If you’re looking to hire a data scientist to join your company, you’re not alone. At The Data Incubator, we work with hundreds of companies that are looking to find data scientists from our Fellowship Program. In our experience, candidates usually come from […]
Bimodal IT and Its Effect on Data Governance
by Angela Guess Jeff Alexander recently wrote in Information Management, “There is a lot of talk these days from major IT research firms about how today’s enterprise CIOs need to embrace bimodal IT. One of the key ideas behind this bimodal IT concept is that CIOs need to build and support two different sets of […]
Big Data Analytics: Do Machines Have Biases?
Click to learn more about Jonathan Buckley. The prevailing opinion is that machines and computers are cold and calculating, not prone to the same knee-jerk reactions and passions that humans tend to have. In other words, they’re unbiased. They take a certain amount of input and produce a desired result based on their programming. That […]
The Year of the Citizen Data Scientist
by Angela Guess Mary Shacklett recently wrote in TechRepublic, “I recently visited with Shawn Rogers, Chief Research Officer at Dell Statistica, a business unit within Dell’s software group. Rogers predicted a growth in Internet of Things (IoT) big data initiatives in 2016, in addition to an enterprise push for more real-time IoT applications. He said […]
Building Cohesive, Productive Data Science Teams
by Angela Guess Miles Johnson and Sam Hochgraf of IBB Consulting Group recently wrote in InsideBigData, “Look no further than the sports world for proof that just having all-star talent doesn’t always guarantee success. They must work together cohesively, have a solid strategy and be organized in a way that plays to each member’s strengths. […]
Pros and Cons: Warehouse vs. Data Lakes
Learn more about Thomas Hazel. This column will not be the proverbial “Pros and Cons” article, weighing the good with the bad. One can find such content habitually year after year and month after month, all of which will outline the obvious advantages and disadvantage between any two things. This is particularly prevalent in the […]
Infographic: Modern Data Science for All
by Angela Guess Information Management recently wrote, “The data scientist role has been called the ‘hot job of the decade’ – Harvard Business Review has even dubbed it ‘the sexiest job of the 21st century.’ Regardless of what you call it, one thing is clear: the field of data science is exploding. At the center […]