
5 Ways Data Leaders Can Improve Data Reliability

Businesses today collect and store an astonishing amount of data. According to estimates from IDC, 163 zettabytes of data will have been created worldwide by 2025. However, this data is not always useful to business leaders until it is organized to be of higher quality and reliability. Despite its importance to effective data analysis, most business leaders […]

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Need Self-Serve Advanced Analytics

If your small or medium-sized business (SMB) is looking for ways to improve forecasting, problem-solving, and market opportunities, it must embrace self-service advanced analytics that allow business users to leverage their role, their knowledge of their business function, and their collaborative initiatives to gather, analyze, and share information and improve business results.  According to Gartner, natural […]

How Records of Processing Activities (ROPA) Can Benefit Your Business

GDPR introduced the Records of Processing Activities (ROPA) requirements to drive better accountability from organizations with their use of personal data. Before GDPR, organizations didn’t track how they used and shared personal data, making data privacy risks impossible to comprehend. Now GDPR mandates that organizations create and maintain essential information about how an organization uses personal data. […]

Still Not Convinced About Data Storytelling? Read This

Data on how organizations operate can inform how they make decisions across the board, no matter their size.  Gartner’s Data & Analytics Trends Report for 2021 included the use of “data and analytics as a core business function,” while IDC suggests that almost two-thirds (64%) of businesses believe data collection and analysis has “fundamentally changed the way […]