
The Data Challenges of a Return to Service

Click to learn more about author Kaycee Lai. COVID has been particularly rough on companies that provide in-person entertainment experiences–theme parks, cruise lines, movie theatres, casinos, concert promoters, resorts, etc. With summer approaching, we’re seeing signs that some of these companies may be opening up operations again. Disneyland, for instance, just announced it is reopening […]

Making Business Decisions with Mathematical Optimization

Click to learn more about author Keith D. Foote. Mathematical optimization has become a problem-solving technology that can be used to automatically generate solutions to business problems. It helps in selecting the best business choices possible. One basic feature of mathematical optimization is the recognition that decisions, and their resulting actions, have far reaching implications […]

Prescriptive Analytics Use Cases

The term “prescriptive analytics” denotes the use of many different disciplines such as AI, mathematics, analytics, or simulations to advise the user whether to act, and what course of action to take. In that sense, prescriptive analytics offers an advisory function regarding the future, rather than simply “predicting” what is about to happen. This newer […]

Why Marketers Should Understand AI

Click to learn more about author Ingrid Burton. Marketers today have more data available to them than ever before. Applying artificial intelligence (AI) to that data is necessary to driving marketing effectiveness in today’s competitive digital world. When properly harnessed, AI provides insights that help achieve lower customer acquisition costs, greater lifetime spending per customer […]

Driving an Organizational Culture Shift to Realize the Potential of AI in Life Sciences

Click to learn more about author Updesh Dosanjh. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are present in nearly every industry today. However, not all industries have readily embraced these technologies with open arms. Due to the nature of the business, the life sciences industry has historically been careful about its adoption of new technologies. […]

The Role of OLAP in the Cloud Era

Click to learn more about author George Demarest. It is the nature of software engineers to quickly adopt new, superior algorithms, tools, and approaches while they quickly and unceremoniously jettison the old. The most positive result of these impulses is rapid and continuous innovation – which savvy business leaders can turn to their advantage. The […]

Re-imagining the Business with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be a strategic capability and competitive advantage, no doubt. Statistics speak to that point. According to AI startup advisor Steve Ardire during his presentation (co-presented with Mico Yuk) at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data World Conference titled “Why Enterprise Organizations Use AI as a Strategic Capability and Competitive Advantage,”AI is expected to […]