
What Is Data Ethics?

Data Ethics describe a code of behavior, specifically what is right and wrong, encompassing the following: Data Handling: generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and use. Algorithms: AI, artificial agents, machine learning, and robots. Corresponding Practices: responsible innovation, programming, hacking, and professional codes. Data Ethics build on the foundation provided by computer and information ethics, but […]

The Digital Mesh: How is it Changing Enterprises?

Is this a science fiction movie? No, the digital mesh — the long-awaited gift of connected technologies — is here now. Advanced science and telecommunications technologies together triggered the latest technology disruption, enabling people, processes, and digital devices to engage in a way that is vital for the survival of modern businesses. Landmark Digital Disruption: […]

Deep Learning Demystified

The “deep” in deep learning refers to the number of hidden layers involved in the design. Deep learning is a way of training artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize specific data, such as speech or faces, and to make predictions based on previous experiences. Unlike machine learning, which organizes and sends data through predefined algorithms, deep […]

Will They Blend? Google BigQuery Meets Databricks

Click to learn more about author Emilio Silvestri. In the “Will They Blend?” blog series, we experiment with the most interesting blends of data and tools. Whether it’s mixing traditional sources with modern data lakes, open-source DevOps on the cloud with protected internal legacy tools, SQL with noSQL, web-wisdom-of-the-crowd with in-house handwritten notes, or IoT […]

What Is Naïve Bayes Classification and How Is It Used for Enterprise Analysis?

Click to learn more about author Kartik Patel. What Is Naïve Bayes Classification? Naive Bayes is a classification algorithm that is suitable for binary and multiclass classification. It is a supervised classification technique used to classify future objects by assigning class labels to instances/records using conditional probability. In supervised classification, training data is already labeled with […]