
ADV Webinar: The Shifting Landscape of Data Integration

To view just the slides from this presentation, click HERE>> This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar Enterprises and organizations from every industry and scale are working to leverage data to achieve their strategic objectives — whether they are to be more profitable, effective, risk-tolerant, prepared, sustainable, and/or adaptable in an ever-changing world. Data […]

Exploring a Chemistry Ontology

Click to learn more about author Martyna Pawletta. We are often asked if it’s possible to work with ontologies. By “work with ontologies,” people can mean many different things, but let’s focus today on one particular ontology and basic tasks, including reading and querying ontologies to create an interactive tool at the end. For this purpose, today, we dive […]

Not All Embedded Analytics and BI Solutions Are the Same

Click to learn more about author Daniel Jebaraj. Your enterprise software is outstanding in its functionality. You have a solid value proposition with your target market. To make your offering even more attractive, you’ve decided to embed analytics and business intelligence (ABI) into your product.  So far, so good. But which embedded ABI solution will you select? Multiple options […]

Slides: Death of the Dashboard

Death of the Dashboard from DATAVERSITY This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar The last year has put a new lens on what speed to insights actually mean – day-old data became useless, and only in-the-moment-insights became relevant, pushing data and analytics teams to their breaking point. The results, everyone has fast forwarded in […]

Webinar: Death of the Dashboard

This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar The last year has put a new lens on what speed to insights actually mean – day-old data became useless, and only in-the-moment-insights became relevant, pushing data and analytics teams to their breaking point. The results, everyone has fast forwarded in their transformation and modernization plans, and […]

7 Essential Data Science Skills for Every Employee

First and foremost, what, exactly, is Data Science? Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that uses processes, algorithms, and systems to obtain various insights coming from both structured and unstructured data. It is related to data mining, machine learning, and big data. What Data Science skills are essential for success – for not only data […]

What Is Data Science?

Data Science is a combination of scientific disciplines “to build predictive models that explore data content patterns,” according to the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBoK). Data Science, formerly known as applied statistics: “Integrates methods from mathematical, statistical, computer science, signal processing, probability modelling, pattern recognition machine learning, uncertainty modeling and data visualization towards gaining […]