
Data Science and AI Use Cases

A business use case is generally defined as a sequence of business actions that lead to a predetermined, value-added outcome. Data Flair shares the Top 6 Data Science Use Cases slated to bring in another industrial revolution. From banking to transportation in the physical business world, and from social media to e-commerce on the digital business […]

What Is Data Security?

Data security describes the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure people and things take the right actions with data and information assets, even in the presence of malicious inputs. The right actions mean controlling and enabling data activity by balancing needs from: Stakeholders: Protect personal information while allowing access for legitimate transactions agreed upon […]

What Is Cognitive Computing?

Cognitive computing, a subfield of artificial intelligence, simulates human thought processes in machines using self-learning algorithms through data mining, pattern recognition, and natural language processing. These artificial environments rely on deep learning algorithms and neural networks to process information by comparing it to a teaching set of data. By mimicking human thought processes, computers help people […]

6 Top Ways We Should Use Speech Analytics

Click to learn more about author Evelyn Johnson. Whether you’re a product-based business or a service-based business, contact centers are likely a vital part of your success. As the business landscape continues to become customer-focused, companies need to ramp up their customer support efforts. Speech analytics is one of the latest developments in the contact center space. […]

ADV Webinar: Showing ROI for Your Analytic Project

This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar Information management plays a critical role in supporting strategic business initiatives. Despite the apparent value of providing the data infrastructure for these initiatives, many executives question the economic feasibility of business intelligence and analytics. This requires information professionals to calculate and present the business value in terms […]