
7 Factors to Consider When Deploying a Modern Data Estate

The abilities of an organization towards capturing, storing, and analyzing data; searching, sharing, transferring, visualizing, querying, and updating data; and meeting compliance and regulations are mandatory for any sustainable organization.  Many companies have already invested in their data environment by deploying a traditional data warehouse, but data warehouses have many limitations.  For example, most data warehouses […]

3 Steps to Maintain Total Data Visibility

We live in an era where data is progressively becoming the essential and the only fuel for thriving business success. And the rapidly growing volumes of data have raised several security concerns that can’t be overlooked. Though managing the in-house data stored locally wasn’t really a tough nut to crack, cloud computing has made data visibility and […]

A Brief History of Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is an important tool for the goal of leveraging technologies around artificial intelligence. Because of its learning and decision-making abilities, machine learning is often referred to as AI, though, in reality, it is a subdivision of AI. Until the late 1970s, it was a part of AI’s evolution. Then, it branched off […]