
ADV Slides: Graph Database Use Cases

Advanced Analytics: Graph Database Use Cases from DATAVERSITY To view the on-demand recording from this presentation, click HERE>> This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar Graph databases may be the unsung heroes of data platforms. They are poised to expand dramatically in the next few years as the nature of important analytics data expands dramatically […]

Boost Business Value with a Well-Defined Enterprise Analytics Strategy

As digital technologies spread their roots in the business world, organizations have access to more data than ever. This data becomes an essential organizational asset when utilized for enriching business strategies. But the process of turning data into insights is as important as the data itself. Hence, more and more organizations across sectors are deploying advanced analytics to grow […]

How Analytics Consumers and Data Experts Can Come Together to Close Insights Gaps

Data is critical to empowering businesses to make decisions that translate into boosted bottom lines. However, a recent NewVantage survey found that only 24% of the workforce is confident in their ability to read, work with, and analyze data. As a result, many organizations depend on data experts to obtain relevant insights that inform decision-making, which reinforces silos that separate […]

How to Become a Data Quality Analyst

Data quality refers to the planning and implementation of quality management measures for the data that companies generate. The idea is that the data should fit the end goal of the data consumer’s needs – and must follow specific quality dimensions to be deemed fit for use. The role of a data quality analyst (DQA) is to ensure […]

Can Predictive Analytics Provide Accurate Results Without Burdening Users?

If your business is struggling to forecast and predict outcomes and results, your management team is probably considering predictive analytics. The technology research firm Gartner states that “by 2025, 50% of data scientist activities will be automated by artificial intelligence, easing the acute talent shortage.” For the average team member, the concept of predictive analytics may seem daunting, […]