
Three Ps: When Choosing Technology, Don’t Lose Sight of What Really Matters

Click to learn more about author Mathias Golombek. When push comes to shove in choosing a technology solution, it’s important that you first consider the Three Ps: performance, price, and people. Businesses are constantly bombarded with messaging from vendors about why they should buy their products or services. What’s more, dubious endorsements from third-party firms can […]

How Scorecards and Dashboards Provide Clarity for Better Decision-Making

Click to learn more about author Manish Godha Scorecards provide historical, current, and predictive views and reports of business operations and resources on easy-to-understand visual dashboards. They compare performance against forecasted benchmarks and targets. And they do so with the intent of tracking, managing, and improving an organization’s performance. By aggregating data from various enterprise […]

Ensemble Models: Bagging and Boosting

Click to learn more about author Rosaria Silipo. Ensemble models combine multiple learning algorithms to improve the predictive performance of each algorithm alone. There are two main strategies to ensemble models — bagging and boosting — and many examples of predefined ensemble algorithms. Bootstrap aggregation, or bagging, is an ensemble meta-learning technique that trains many […]

Evolving Software Business Models Require New Approaches to Customer Relationships

Click to learn more about author Nicole Segerer Any healthy relationship requires attention. It relies on thoughtful interactions, openness, and ongoing care. This is also true about the relationship between a software supplier and its customers. When a supplier tends to its relationship with a customer effectively, the chances for long-term success grow. An all-encompassing […]