
Analytics Solutions: Applications and Use Cases

Data and analytics are particularly critical to today’s businesses because they improve strategic decision-making. Analytics solutions and use cases provide customers with added value in health care, retail, higher education, manufacturing, and other industries that capture a lot of valuable data.  By harnessing different types of analytics available, organizations across varying industries can understand how products are […]

Analytics Governance: The Big Picture

Data Governance applied to analytics, business intelligence (BI), or data modeling is nothing new, but Analytics Governance is somewhat different from Data Governance, says Malcolm Chisholm, president of Data Millenium. Chisholm spoke at DATAVERSITY’s Enterprise Analytics Online, stating that Analytics Governance is focused within a more centralized unit rather than the distributed model Data Governance requires. “There […]

How to Become a Data Quality Analyst

Data quality refers to the planning and implementation of quality management measures for the data that companies generate. The idea is that the data should fit the end goal of the data consumer’s needs – and must follow specific quality dimensions to be deemed fit for use. The role of a data quality analyst (DQA) is to ensure […]

Key Trends in Data and Analytics

In today’s world of unprecedented connectivity and advances in technology, the benefits of big data are accessible to even modestly scaled businesses. Indeed, business leaders who resist the shift to digital transformation do so at their own risk. But harnessing the power of data and analytics requires careful planning, preparation, and commitment. Where to begin? […]

Types of Analytics Used in Organizations

Data analytics in businesses help uncover competitive intelligence, actionable insights and trends. Different types of analytics enable businesses to gain an edge over their competitors. In the “data first” era, data-driven insights and decisions have become the key drivers of business performance. This post reviews the different types of data analytics routinely used in enterprises. […]