A business use case is generally defined as a sequence of business actions that lead to a predetermined, value-added outcome. Data Flair shares the Top 6 Data Science Use Cases slated to bring in another industrial revolution. From banking to transportation in the physical business world, and from social media to e-commerce on the digital business […]
Case Study: PrecisionProfile Advances Healthcare Analytics with Improved Data Preparation
There’s one phrase that people never want to hear from their doctor: “I’m sorry, but you have cancer.” According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year and 609,640 people will die from the disease. Fortunately, and despite these statistics, many types […]
Machine Learning Transformed: Data Quality and Operational Necessities
Machine learning elicits mixed reactions. On the one hand, some consider machine learning a company’s new super power that has “swept enterprise technology, using mass amounts of data and algorithms to make predictions.” At the same time machine learning has been considered an overhyped fad and a panacea, failing to deliver. While both can be […]
The Logical Data Fabric: A Single Place for Data Integration
The ability to provide a single place for instantaneous data access can mean business continuity or closure. Many nations found this out during the recent global crisis, as countries needed to know the number of tests taken and the infection rate in order to determine both the virus’ spread and who to quarantine. Unfortunately, the […]
Data Strategy and Machine Learning: How Do They Intersect?
With the tremendous growth of business data in terms of volume, size, and complexity, it is imperative that global enterprises develop a strong Data Strategy to address their core business needs. However, a realistic Data Strategy has to incorporate a clear road map with milestones, so that strategy documents do not end up as digital […]
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Explained
The first reference to artificial intelligence was in a paper written by Alan Turing in 1950, entitled Computing Machinery and Intelligence, where he asked the question, “Can machines think?” Turing’s article, as well as a 1977 paper entitled History of Artificial Intelligence by P. McCorduck are recommended reading for those wanting a greater understanding of […]
How is Bad Data Crippling Your Data Analytics?
Some striking evidence of the impact of bad data can be found in fake email IDs, impersonations on social media, or misuse of stolen financial or personal information. The more widespread harm can be caused by bad data in Data Analytics, where anything from the wrong medical diagnosis to incorrect interpretation of stock history can […]
The Digital Mesh: How is it Changing Enterprises?
Is this a science fiction movie? No, the digital mesh — the long-awaited gift of connected technologies — is here now. Advanced science and telecommunications technologies together triggered the latest technology disruption, enabling people, processes, and digital devices to engage in a way that is vital for the survival of modern businesses. Landmark Digital Disruption: […]
Deep Learning Demystified
The “deep” in deep learning refers to the number of hidden layers involved in the design. Deep learning is a way of training artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize specific data, such as speech or faces, and to make predictions based on previous experiences. Unlike machine learning, which organizes and sends data through predefined algorithms, deep […]
Case Study: Indiana University, Data Virtualization, and The Decision Support Initiative
“We can throw business intelligence tools at problems and we can have really smart technicians write code but if it’s not serving the needs of the business and actually answering questions that people need to know, then ultimately, our work is futile,” said Dan Young, Chief Data Architect at Indiana University (IU). Young said that […]