Enterprise data storage professionals are increasingly finding themselves at the center of business discussions: finding important files, showing departmental usage, recalling files from archives for an audit or new research, moving distinct data sets into the cloud to import into a new analytics environment, and deleting data to satisfy regulations. Meanwhile, these tasks have become […]
Are Verifiable Credentials Paving the Way for Reinforced Digital Privacy?
Whether we’re booking a flight or shopping online, we must go through multiple authentication processes to prove our identity. And that’s quite important from an infosec perspective. However, proving our identities doesn’t necessarily need to be a complicated process, as the slightest bit of friction in authentication could be the reason for customers to switch […]
Get Context-Driven Natural Language Processing for Better Search Results
If your business is focused on data-driven, fact-based decisions, your business users may be leveraging an analytics solution to gather, find, and analyze data. Business goals include improving results and productivity and getting the best results out of your data, as well as gaining meaningful insight into data. But, you certainly want to accomplish all […]
Data Management Is Dead – Data Empowerment Has Emerged
In my last DATAVERSITY article, “The Machine Economy Is Here – The Digital Transformation Era Is Over,” I discussed the end of digital transformation, the arrival of the machine economy, and the emergence of data empowerment. In this article, I follow up by laying out the problems with traditional Data Management and why data empowerment is now […]
4 Essential Tools for DevSecOps Teams
DevSecOps (short for Development, Security, and IT Operations) extends the principles of DevOps to include secure development practices. DevOps is a development method designed to create, test, and release software quickly, with high quality, and with the ability to rapidly respond to customer needs. This is achieved through task automation and management tools that streamline […]
4 Critical Elements of a Customer-Centric Data Strategy
From the humble data warehouse to the lake and swamp to potentially an ocean of data, take your pick where you want to drown yourself. The reality is the customer doesn’t care about the fancy lake or the Kafka pipelines; they care about the service they are receiving from you. Due to poor communication and misalignment […]
Multi-Cloud Networking Design Checklist
As a principal solutions architect, I always start my cloud architecture discussions with the “triangle of truth,” or “holy trinity” of architecture principles for cloud: stability, agility, and security. You must have these three things. The rub is that hitting any two vertices of those pillars is pretty straightforward. Hitting one is trivial. From an […]
The Role of AI in the Transformation of the Insurance Industry
The insurance industry has been traditionally conservative with technology advances and hesitant to adopt new technologies. However, times are changing, and artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining much attention from insurance companies, who are starting to realize the important role that AI can play in their operations. AI in the insurance industry is poised to bring […]
OSINT Basics for Safety and Profit
The internet is the world’s largest information database. Inside the giant mountain of data it contains, there are insights and tools to inform just about any issue your organization might be having. The problem is, when confronted with the issues, you can’t simply brandish the whole mountain in defense. To carve out the correct tools, […]
How AI Is Driving Data Speeds in Data Centers
Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have opened up major opportunities and improvements for data processing and analytics. Unfazed and even spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, complex AI systems saw explosive demand to enable advances in data management, health care, knowledge graphs, and data science. This has led organizations to increase their AI and machine learning budgets by 83% since […]