
Synthetic Data Generation: Addressing Data Scarcity and Bias in ML Models

There is no doubt that machine learning (ML) is transforming industries across the board, but its effectiveness depends on the data it’s trained on. The ML models traditionally rely on real-world datasets to power the recommendation algorithms, image analysis, chatbots, and other innovative applications that make it so transformative.  However, using actual data creates two significant challenges […]

Book of the Month: “AI Governance Comprehensive”

Welcome to December 2024’s “Book of the Month” column. This month, we’re featuring “AI Governance Comprehensive: Tools, Vendors, Controls, and Regulations” by Sunil Soares, available for free download on the YourDataConnect (YDC) website.  This book offers readers a strong foundation in AI governance. While the emergence of generative AI (GenAI) has brought AI governance to […]

Technical and Strategic Best Practices for Building Robust Data Platforms

In the AI era, organizations are eager to harness innovation and create value through high-quality, relevant data. Gartner, however, projects that 80% of data governance initiatives will fail by 2027. This statistic underscores the urgent need for robust data platforms and governance frameworks. A successful data strategy outlines best practices and establishes a clear vision for data architecture, […]

A Financial Approach to Evaluating Data, Analytics, and AI Investments

Extracting tangible business benefits from data and analytics projects, including those involving AI, has proven challenging for most enterprises. In 2019, VentureBeat reported that 87% of data and analytics (D&A) projects failed to reach production. In 2022, Gartner found that only 20% of insights derived from analytics translated into business outcomes. Despite various reasons for […]

Crafting a Secure Future: Integrating an AI-First Security Posture

It is now well understood that integrating AI into an organization’s digital infrastructure will unlock real-time insights for decision-makers, streamline internal workflows by automating repetitive tasks, and enhance customer service interactions with AI-powered assistants. This technology will accelerate everything from purchases to personalized service requests. These benefits have made AI an essential component of modern […]

AI Data Governance Spotlights Privacy and Quality

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) brings data governance into sharp focus because grounding large language models (LLMs) with secure, trusted data is the only way to ensure accurate responses. So, what exactly is AI data governance? Let’s define “AI data governance” as the process of managing the data product lifecycle within AI systems. To keep it […]