When it comes to having a Data Strategy, are you there yet? Remember, a real Data Strategy isn’t a road stop. It’s the destination. There’s optimism that Data Strategy in 2020 will be on the highway somewhere between those two points. Much of the good vibe is created by the fact that business stakeholders are […]
Case Study: JTC Grows its Cloud Services Core through Trust and Teamwork
Trust, teamwork, and technology form the core of Jewell Technical Consulting, Inc. (JTC) and its partnership with Leaseweb USA, a leading hosting and cloud services company whose offerings include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions. JTC, a company providing private cloud services to North Virginia and D.C. metro businesses, was originally utilizing another hosting facility 20 miles way […]
Data Architects, It’s Time to Improve Your Data Classification
Team Data — data architects in particular, whatever their official title may be — have a job to do. That is to take more aggressive steps to protect data assets on behalf of customers and constituents. The responsibility falls to data architects because few in most organizations are thinking about protecting data from the data […]
Business Intelligence and Analytics Trends in 2020
The general pattern of technology upgrades in Enterprise Analytics & Business Intelligence that occurred in 2019 signaled the emergence of some specific types of analytics: smart, real-time, augmented, and conversational. These trends will continue growing well into 2020 and beyond. Also included in that list are: Smart devices and multi-channel data will require smart analytics […]
Understanding the Uses of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has provided a critical competitive advantage for those organizations able and willing to use it. AI has gained significant momentum in the last few years, acting as personal assistants for some, while processing business transactions and providing technical services to others. AI systems have the ability to manage large amounts of data […]
Case Study: Deriving Spark Encoders and Schemas Using Implicits
Click to learn more about author Dávid Szakallas. In recent years, the size and complexity of our Identity Graph, a data lake containing identity information about people and businesses around the world, begged the addition of Big Data technologies in the ingestion process. We used Apache Pig initially, and then migrated to Apache Spark a […]
Data Strategy vs. Business Strategy
For any transformational Business Strategy, data-driven intelligence must be “readily accessible, interpretable, and actionable” whenever necessary. At the macro level, a data-driven culture has to be consciously propagated throughout the organization, end-to-end. Digital businesses have acknowledged the importance of data accessibility and have embraced this culture within their business model to remain competitive. The late […]
Data Literacy Leads to Success
The Data Literacy Project says that workforce data literacy has proven to have a positive correlation with corporate performance. Improved corporate data literacy positively impacts gross margin, return-on-assets, return-on-equity, and return-on-sales, resulting in $320 to $534 million in higher enterprise value over organizations with lower data literacy, according to the Data Literacy Index. The study […]
Socializing Data Governance: Utilizing a Common Data Matrix
“Data Governance is like Lord of the Rings. You are on a journey to cast obfuscation and bad decisions into the fires of Mount Doom. To succeed in this quest, you will need a fellowship of data” said Mark Horseman, Data Enthusiast at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), in his presentation titled Socializing […]
Data Science Trends in 2020
The exponential growth of data, partly generated by sensor-driven devices, is making Data Science and machine learning (ML) market differentiators in global business-analytics solutions. With the rising demand in Data Science and ML skills, 2020 may well be a witness to several new trends in the field. According to IDC: “[I]f our digital universe or […]