
Graph Databases: An Overview

The concept of graph databases traces back to Leonhard Euler. Euler was an 18th century Swiss mathematician who made several important discoveries in mathematics, such as infinitesimal calculus. In solving the “Seven Bridges of Königsberg” problem in 1736, Euler laid the foundations for graph theory. (He also got a fun shout-out in Hidden Figures when […]

How to Become a Data Analyst

Data analysts translate raw data into useful insights, and they are also responsible for gathering the data, organizing and analyzing it, and then presenting their findings. Data analysts are in high demand, and there aren’t enough data analysts to fill all the positions. People with the right skills can fill these positions. A degree is […]

Data Science Best Practices

When done right, Data Science delivers a lot of measurable values like improved products and services, enhanced customer experiences, sales growth, new business developments channels, and overall business efficiency. However, according to most reliable industry publications, most Data Science projects fail because the Data Science best practices are not followed. Why Do Businesses Need Data […]

Advances in Data Quality Management

Data Quality Management (DQM) is always advancing, not necessarily in terms of technological leaps, but in terms of being used more as a result of shifting business patterns. DQM is being used more and more, as organizations shift to a digital format. Other reasons for the increased use of DQM range from the lowering of […]

AI and Data Strategy: Where Do They Intersect?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has penetrated nearly every industry because of its ability to improve business outcomes – from employee productivity to decision-making to customer experience. It’s no surprise that organizations large and small are embracing AI. That being said, starting AI without a strong Data Strategy in place can do more harm than good. Data Strategy refers […]

The Data Storytelling Toolbox: Data Management, Digital Transformation, and Master Data

Scott Taylor believes in data storytelling. More to the point, he believes that telling a “data story” leads to Data Governance success. Taylor is a consultant and “Data Whisperer” at MetaMeta Consulting, and author of the book, Telling Your Data Story.  In his presentation “Data Storytelling for Data Management” at DATAVERSITY®’s Enterprise Data World Conference, […]