
Data Science Predictions for 2017

Data is now creating opportunities for business growth and profit like never before. In the last decade, the emergence of advanced data technologies and superior analytics tools has made it possible for business operators to reap numerous benefits from their data assets, yet for most they’ve only just scratched the surface of data’s potential. Data […]

How Big Data is Strengthening Machine Learning Projects

“Modern Machine Learning is devoted to deriving value from data, not jamming the airlocks.” The above quote from Arthur C. Clark’s HAL 9000 vision is about to become a reality, thanks to Big Data enabled Machine Learning (ML). With modern computers exhibiting exceptional performance and storage devices being available within easy budgets, global businesses are increasingly […]

The Life of a Data Scientist

The worldwide demand for qualified Data Scientists continues to grow and one of the most common queries in many an industry insider’s mind is so, what is it that a Data Scientist does? When lay persons within an industry try to grasp the essence of a Data Scientist’s life, the confusion that boggles everyone is […]

Machine Learning of the Next Decade: The Promises and the Pitfalls

Machine Learning (ML) technology has gained rapid strides in the current enterprise software ecosystem, as it perfectly balances the ease of adoption, deployment, and market maturity with strong business benefits. On the flip side, Machine Learning technology also threatens some core elements of the human experience such as natural processes, human labor, or traditional workflows. […]