
Advanced Analytics: Exploration of Some Transformative Future Trends

The wide availability of streaming devices, monumental volumes of data, cheap storage platforms, and hosted Analytics Infrastructure have jointly contributed to the rapid adoption of Advanced Analytics by businesses of all shapes and sizes. Any reasonably well-informed business can now take advantage of outsourced Analytics Platforms and extract the maximum value from their data. This […]

Augmented Analytics Use Cases

In an era where Business Analytics is about automating the data preparation and advanced analytics tasks, Augmented Analytics promises hopes for the future generation of Citizen Data Scientists. In Augmented Analytics, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques together achieve automated Data Preparation and Business Intelligence. This innovative technology offers sophisticated tools to […]

Deep Learning Use Cases

Deep Learning (DL) has become more than just a buzzword in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community – it is reshaping global business through the prolific use of autonomous, self-teaching systems, which can build models by directly studying images, text, audio, or video data. Such systems can use that data for future pattern recognition. According to […]