
Data Governance vs. Blockchain

Data Governance is the hot topic in today’s security- and privacy-concerned digital ecosystem. Blockchain technology offers data-centered security to sensitive, transactional systems that require tamper-resistant, fully auditable tracking mechanisms. Thus, blockchain and Data Governance (DG) complement each other in many ways, while maintaining distinct operational philosophies and application turfs. Blockchain is today’s preferred technology for […]

IoT vs. Serverless Computing

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes an interconnected network of physical and digital devices, sensors, mechanical components, and communication protocols with the ability to transfer and exchange data machine-to-machine or machine-to-interactions. The serverless computing model is cloud-based and all its resources are managed by the service provider. The client is charged based on the consumption […]

The Digital Mesh: How is it Changing Enterprises?

Is this a science fiction movie? No, the digital mesh — the long-awaited gift of connected technologies — is here now. Advanced science and telecommunications technologies together triggered the latest technology disruption, enabling people, processes, and digital devices to engage in a way that is vital for the survival of modern businesses. Landmark Digital Disruption: […]

Data Governance in the Cloud

IT center, on-premise infrastructure is becoming increasingly complex and costly, and requires highly skilled manpower, so businesses are now moving their IT and Data Science functions to the cloud. Cloud computing promises low-cost storage facilities, 100 percent up-time, managed services, and automated analytics and BI services, leaving the businesses to concentrate on their domain expertise […]

Citizen Data Scientists: Where Do They Belong?

The phenomenal growth of data technology in recent years has led to the rise of the citizen data scientists (CDS).   Developments in augmented analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) automation have now made it possible for ordinary business employees to conduct advanced analytics or business intelligence (BI) which would have required expert knowledge even some years […]

Fundamentals of Self-Service Business Intelligence

It’s clear that there is considerable recent market movement towards self-service business intelligence (SSBI) in the numerous vendor offerings available. There is also a growing concern among the Data Science community that ordinary business users may misunderstand or misinterpret the available data, leading to incorrect results. Experienced data scientists have a tremendous ability to analyze, […]

Scaling Machine Learning Applications

When the number of users for a predictive model grows, it is expected (albeit often wrongly) that the machine learning powered systems will automatically scale to keep up with this growth. If the system fails to scale, processing requirements may outpace performance. Using an example from a LinkedIn article, a sample recommender system fails to […]

Blockchain Use Cases

Blockchain, which is akin to a distributed and decentralized accounts ledger, can record and verify high volumes of digital transactions, irrespective of location. So, blockchain has the capacity to contribute to many industry sectors, besides finance. As a secure technology platform, blockchain’s main benefits are accuracy, protection against fraud, and easy sharing of information. The […]