
Data Architect vs. Data Engineer

Data careers are becoming increasingly important and popular all across the globe, simply because “data” is the new currency of the data economy. The pandemic gave the needed push to accelerate the digital transformation of global businesses, and currently, the primary market differentiator is an enterprise’s data infrastructure readiness. This data infrastructure comprises systems, processes, […]

Data Fabric vs. Data Mesh

In the hyper-connected world of the cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT), every computing network device is connected to another through a complex, interconnected network. This poses a serious challenge to future Data Management, as the ultimate goal of Data Management is the sharing of business data across disparate platforms and technologies. This article […]

Next Generation Business Intelligence: Customer-Driven Success

In the customer-driven era, business success depends on how quickly a business can respond to a customer demand. The more that businesses become reliant on real-time outcomes, the more they will seek next-generation (next-gen) BI deployments. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) platforms were high-cost and time-intensive applications. The current trend in BI is to move toward […]

Serverless Computing and Serverless Architecture: An Overview of BaaS, FaaS, and PaaS

The term serverless computing immediately indicates an IT infrastructure where the business owner does not have to invest in a specialized or expensive hardware platform. The essence of serverless architecture and serverless computing lies in the provisioning of third-party services, which are also referred to as backend-as-a-service (BaaS) and a special code made available through […]

Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning

The debate on machine learning vs. deep learning has gained considerable steam in the past few years. The fundamental strength of both these technologies lies in their ability to learn from available data. Though both of these offshoot AI technologies triumph in “learning algorithms,” the manner in which machine learning (ML) algorithms learn is very […]

Data Science and AI Use Cases

A business use case is generally defined as a sequence of business actions that lead to a predetermined, value-added outcome. Data Flair shares the Top 6 Data Science Use Cases slated to bring in another industrial revolution. From banking to transportation in the physical business world, and from social media to e-commerce on the digital business […]

Implementing a Cloud Data Strategy

At a time when most major companies are showing a long-range commitment to “data-driven culture,” data is considered the most prized asset. An Enterprise Data Strategy, along with aligned technology and business goals, can significantly contribute to the core performance metrics of a business. The underlying principles of an Enterprise Data Strategy comprise a multi-step […]