The last two years have been significant in the growth of Data Management technology, mainly because of the pandemic and associated factors. Almost overnight, large, medium, and small organizations located far and wide, suddenly realized the importance of online business models and hosted Data Management services. The coronavirus gave the final push to global enterprises […]
Data Science Best Practices
When done right, Data Science delivers a lot of measurable values like improved products and services, enhanced customer experiences, sales growth, new business developments channels, and overall business efficiency. However, according to most reliable industry publications, most Data Science projects fail because the Data Science best practices are not followed. Why Do Businesses Need Data […]
The Mainstreaming of Multi-Cloud: Good or Bad?
The business world is increasingly reaching out to the public cloud for stable data center operations at optimized cost but at scale. In the recent years, managed services and multi-cloud consultancy firms have cropped up to reduce the chances of multi-cloud implementation failures, but the general lack of deep understanding and skilled employees are still […]
Data Science vs. Decision Science: A New Era Dawns
Data Science vs. Decision Science: Basic Descriptions In Data Science, a variety of advanced technologies like data mining, statistics, predictive analytics, AI, and machine learning are used in conjunction to deliver solutions for business problems. In Decision Science, analyzed data is “interpreted” to arrive at business decisions that meet specific objectives. So while Data Science […]
The Intersection of Self-Service Analytics and Machine Learning
The terms “self-service analytics” (SSA) and “machine learning” (ML) are frequently used interchangeably, but the concepts behind these terms are a world apart. In self-service analytics, specific tools are designed to aid the user in inputting data or interpreting results (output). On the other hand, a machine learning algorithm is a special software that has […]
Data Management vs. Data Science
The shift in the business perception of data has now catapulted Data Management into new heights. Data Science is a core component of Data Management now, but Data Management and Data Science are often seen as two different activities. Working among data analysts, data engineers, and DBAs, data scientists spend their time getting the data […]
Data Scientist vs. Data Engineer
The Background of Data Science Roles It was thought a few years ago that 2018 would amount a huge demand-supply gap in the Data Science market as supply would fail to keep pace with the rising demand for expert data scientists. However, the buzz from Gartner, which said more than 40 percent of Data Science […]
Data Literacy Trends in 2022
Investing in leadership skills as well as data skills allows organizations can ensure that they can have decisive marketplace and intra-organizational impacts. The Chief Data Officer (CDO) role is only a few years old, and many organizations still don’t have a CDO. Data Literacy is an essential component to all of this. In a recent […]
Data Architecture Trends in 2022
The primary purpose of implementing a Data Architecture is to standardize the methods and protocols, as well as the systems for acquiring, storing, managing, and sharing data across the enterprise for improved decision-making. In modern businesses, most decisions are made in real time, and to facilitate an efficient and real-time friendly Data Management infrastructure, data […]
Deep Reinforcement Learning: What, Why, How
Reinforcement learning (RL), a “niche” machine learning technique, has surfaced in recent years. In context-based decision-making, reinforcement learning helps the machine take action-provoking decision-making through a trial-and-error approach to achieve the optimal algorithmic model for a situation. Furthermore, the machine is trained through a reward/penalty-based feedback mechanism, the goal of which is to continuously improve […]