This is the third and final blog post in my “Charting a Course Through the Data Mapping Maze.” If you’ve been following the previous posts, thanks for joining me on this journey. Part one defined data mapping and outlined key components and why it’s essential. Part two explored how data mapping works, the common techniques used, […]
Putting Data Mapping to Work
In my previous blog post, I defined data mapping and its importance. Here, I explore how it works, the most popular techniques, and the common challenges that crop up and that teams must overcome to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the mapped data. Data mapping establishes relationships and connections between data elements so we can […]
Charting a Course Through the Data Mapping Maze in Three Parts
Companies are dealing with more data sources than ever – sales figures, customer profiles, inventory updates, you name it. Data professionals say, on average, data volumes are growing by 63% per month in their organizations. Data teams are struggling to ensure all that data hangs together across systems and is accurate and consistent. Bad data is bad […]
Data Onboarding: The Critical (Yet Difficult) First Step
Click to learn more about author Eric Crane. After the work of engaging a prospect, pitching the product, going through an evaluation process, and finally landing the business, the last thing you want is to stumble in those first critical interactions where you bring your new customer on board and start servicing the business. As […]