
Automated Vulnerability Detection: Mitigate Fraud and Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Defense

Cyberattacks are now a severe threat to organizations leveraging cutting-edge technology in the digital-first world. Whether phishing or malware attacks, cybercriminals increasingly exploit sensitive business information and customer identities. And what’s more worrisome is that the conventional cybersecurity architecture seems impotent against advanced attacks, since attackers are finding new ways to breach a network. Hence, there’s […]

Takeaways for Businesses in the Rapidly Evolving Data Security and Privacy Landscape

As more and more businesses jump into the digital transformation bandwagon by leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies, data security and privacy challenges have also increased.  Even though customer privacy and security may seem interchangeable to most of us, both are distinctly separate yet interrelated concepts. And knowing the exact difference between the two is undoubtedly the need […]

Are Verifiable Credentials Paving the Way for Reinforced Digital Privacy?

Whether we’re booking a flight or shopping online, we must go through multiple authentication processes to prove our identity. And that’s quite important from an infosec perspective.  However, proving our identities doesn’t necessarily need to be a complicated process, as the slightest bit of friction in authentication could be the reason for customers to switch […]

3 Steps to Maintain Total Data Visibility

We live in an era where data is progressively becoming the essential and the only fuel for thriving business success. And the rapidly growing volumes of data have raised several security concerns that can’t be overlooked. Though managing the in-house data stored locally wasn’t really a tough nut to crack, cloud computing has made data visibility and […]

Five Ways to Future-Proof Your Data Privacy

Click to learn more about author Deepak Gupta. It is always a challenging effort to anticipate the direction data privacy is going. There is an ever-growing need for companies to future-proof data privacy and safeguard sensitive information. With regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) impacting full force, companies now better protect sensitive data […]