
Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud

Popular culture on Artificial Intelligence and the reality of how it is now beginning to be employed are often quite different, according to this article from CloudTech, “the future of AI isn’t about one giant super-intelligence. Instead, it’s about many small, dedicated agents that know you intimately and work on your behalf to improve your […]

Big Data: The Year in Review

2015 was quite the year for Big Data news, but as the year is passing away with new, exciting horizons coming, what actually did happen throughout 2015 in the Big Data world? Forbes contributor Bernard Marr has done a month-by-month breakdown of 12 news worthy events, “2015 was the first year that started with more […]

Cybersecurity and ROI: Show the Benefits

Cybersecurity is no longer an issue that can be ignored by any organizations, no matter their size. The threats of cyber attacks are real and must be dealt with in a timely fashion; however, how can the value of cybersecurity be quantified? “Calculating ROI for cybersecurity spending has always been a challenge for security officers, […]

Machine Learning Continues its Growth

Machine Learning isn’t necessarily a new trend. But, with the growth of data volumes over the past few years, the algorithms employed by Machine Learning technologies have become ever more important. According to Darryl K. Taft it “is helping, with software engineers continually creating and improving algorithms that automatically analyze data to identify patterns and […]

Data Science and Insight as a Service

Data Science is now one of the top Data Management industry buzzwords. But what is real insight? And how can such insights aid in the success of an enterprise. According to the article, “in today’s environment where corporate marketing over-hypes everything associated with big data and analytics, the word “insight” is being used very loosely, […]

A Brief History of Cognitive Computing

The first underpinnings of modern Cognitive Computing date back to the late 19th century, with the work of mathematician George Boole and his book The Laws of Thought, and the propositions of Charles Babbage on creating what he termed an “analytical engine.” The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was coined by the late John McCarthy in […]

So You Want to Be a Data Steward?

In the old world shepherds used to roam the countryside with their flocks of sheep, happy in the idyllic simplicity of nature; their only worries were predators, inclement weather, and disease. As large estates became the norm, fences were built and the shepherds became more like stewards who watched over not just flocks, but other […]

Assessing Data Management Maturity Using the DAMA Data Management Book of Knowledge (DMBOK) Framework – Part 2

Part 1 of “Assessing Data Management Maturity” discussed the primary elements of the Data Management Maturity Assessment (DMMA) conducted by April Reeve, an advisory consultant at EMC Consulting, for a mortgage bank. The primary elements of this maturity assessment were: The beginning of the DMMA process includes determining which business lines to assess. The mortgage […]