
A Strategic Approach to Data Quality

“To tackle today’s Data Quality challenges, you need a more strategic approach,” said Nigel Turner, Principal Consultant, Global Data Strategy. Turner spoke at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data Governance Online (EDGO) Conference about Data Quality Management, what it entails, and how to succeed by aligning it closely with two other disciplines. What is Data Quality Management? […]

Data Quality Challenges

The Data Quality and Data Management market is going through a paradigm shift where the focus has turned to the business user. Historically, business users have been at the mercy of over-burdened IT departments with limited resources, but IT is not to blame. Even with the simplest query, the answer used to be “It’ll be […]

Enterprise Analytics Trends

Evan Terry, Chief Analytics Officer at Velocity Mortgage Capital said that enterprise analytics technology is increasingly sophisticated, due to machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and streaming analytics, but you can’t benefit from these advancements without a solid foundation. “There’s a real interplay there between the foundational and the advanced.” Terry discussed these interplays during his […]