Dr. Suzanne Acar possesses over 25 years of government experience in enterprise data management and data architectures. She currently serves as the Principal Data Architect at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). She is also co-chair of the inter-agency Federal Data Architecture Subcommittee (DAS) under the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) of the Federal CIO Council responsible for providing data interoperability and information sharing related advice based on the Federal Data Reference Model (DRM). In the past, she led award winning enterprise data management programs that furthered the interoperability goals of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and the U.S. Army. She serves as the government advisor for the Data Management Association (DAMA) National Capitol Region Chapter as well as MIT’s Information Quality Symposium. The DAMA International Government Award and the Federal 100 Award are among the many honors and awards Dr. Acar has received.
Suzanne Acar
Co-chair of the Federal Data Architecture Subcommittee (DAS)