Dave Duggal

Dave Duggal

Dave Duggal, Founder and Managing Director, EnterpriseWeb LLC

Dave is the founder of EnterpriseWeb (www.enterpriseweb.com). His company offers an award-winning platform for designing, running and managing Cloud-native systems and Web-scale processes. The Platform enables organizations to flexibly connect end-to-end solutions across silos, partners, technologies and protocols. Dave is an Inventor on several awarded patents and is author of numerous academic papers, articles and blog postings. He is a regular conference speaker (CloudExpo, SemTech, EDW, GoTo Con, TM Forum, BPMnext, etc).  He leads the Integration and Orchestration team for the Industrial Internet Consortium and is an active member of the TM Forum.https://www.linkedin.com/in/daveduggal1 https://twitter.com/dave_ideate


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