Omar Ali Fdal, CEO, Statice
Omar Ali Fdal is the CEO of Statice, a Berlin-based state-of-the-art data privacy technology provider for health, insurance, and banking companies. Since the beginning of his career, Omar has focused on creating products that unlock the value of data. He noticed how challenging it was to work with data at the enterprise scale. Aware that there must be a better way to utilize secondary data, he joined his future co-founders Mikhail Dyakov and Sebastian Weyer, who had just begun to develop synthetic data generation software. The idea was to give an efficient privacy-preserving tool to anyone who needed to work with data. As a former engineer, Omar was always motivated by building products that solve major problems. This was and still is the mission of Statice, which he co-founded in January 2018.
Prior to founding Statice, Omar worked as a Research Engineer in the field of Search & Data Mining for several companies such as the Amadeus IT Group, based in France. He co-founded Hupp, an urban mobility startup in southern France. Omar holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and has studied at IMT Atlantique in France (formerly Télécom Bretagne) and Uppsala University in Sweden, IMT Atlantique. He speaks six languages fluently.
Follow Omar and Statice at: Twitter, LinkedIn (Omar), LinkedIn (Statice)