Dave Bermingham, Senior Technology Evangelist, SIOS Technology
Dave Bermingham is the Senior Technical Evangelist at SIOS Technology. He is recognized within the technology community as a high-availability expert and has been honored to be elected a Microsoft MVP for the past 11 years: 6 years as a Cluster MVP and 5 years as a Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP. Dave holds numerous technical certifications and has more than thirty years of IT experience, including in finance, healthcare, and education.
Follow Dave at: Twitter, LinkedIn.
About SIOS Technology
SIOS Technology Corp. provides high availability and disaster recovery solutions to ensure availability and eliminate data loss for critical Windows and Linux applications operating across physical, virtual, cloud, and hybrid cloud environments. SIOS clustering software is essential for any IT infrastructure with applications requiring a high degree of resiliency, ensuring uptime without sacrificing performance or data — protecting businesses from local failures and regional outages, planned and unplanned. Founded in 1999, SIOS Technology Corp. is headquartered in San Mateo, California, with offices worldwide.