Melanie Achard, Directo of Product Marketing, SolarWinds
Melanie Achard is a Director of Product Marketing at SolarWinds. Achard’s career in technology started out as favor to a friend when she wrote her first software program on a Morrow Micro System. Her curiosity piqued, she accepted a software development position at a startup and was instantly hooked. Since then, she has worked in software engineering, product management, and product marketing at a variety of companies—from small, three-person startups to large Fortune 500 organizations—all with a focus on solving problems that people care about. With 30 years of experience across multiple technology disciplines—from systems administration, IT security, and regulatory compliance to external device management and mobile applications—she continues to advance her knowledge and understanding of the continually evolving technology landscape. In 2018, Melanie joined SolarWinds to focus on the growth of the company’s DevOps products—Pingdom, AppOptics, Papertrail, and Loggly.
Follow Melanie at: LinkedIn, Orange Matter Blog
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