by Angela Guess
A new press release states, “Dataguise, a leader in data-centric audit and protection (DCAP), today announced four steps that enterprises globally can take today to accelerate compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The regulation, which goes into effect May 25, 2018, applies to any entity that controls or processes the personal data of European Union (EU) residents, whether that entity is physically located in the EU or not. GDPR is the European Union’s most demanding and far-reaching data privacy regulation to date. Organizations in North America and around the world with business operations in the EU now realize that they must adhere to the mandate in order to conduct business in the region. In an effort to stay ahead of the 2018 compliance requirements, many organizations are now seeking effective sensitive data governance strategies that will prepare them for these new restrictions.”
The release goes on, “To comply with GDPR, enterprises must take a data-centric, process-oriented approach to information privacy that starts with an understanding of the organization’s data landscape: (1) The first step any organization must take to prepare for GDPR is to gain clarity on where their sensitive information resides, across every file server, database, and big data repository, both on-premises and in the cloud. Begin with a policy that identifies sensitive data throughout the organization, conducting an initial discovery process to locate telephone numbers, account numbers, salaries, emails and more using automated technology to catalog what is known and unknown. Perform an audit of the sensitive data that has been discovered to determine the next steps in terms of which data should be encrypted, masked, etc. Understand what data can be posted on the Web versus what must be kept within the walls of the organization.”
Read more at Marketwired.
Photo credit: Dataguise