by Angela Guess
A recent press release reports, “WISeKey International Holding Ltd announced today the release of The HUMAN(IT) Manifesto and invites all internet users to show their support for the need to manage the dynamic relationship between humanity and technology. During 2016, WISeKey, the OISTE.ORG Foundation and their global partnership ecosystem delivered new initiatives around the world bringing the number of interconnected devices featuring WISeKey’s vertical platform to 2.6 billion of the total estimated market volume of 8 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices.”
WISeKey’s Founder and CEO, Carlos Moreira, commented, “As we predicted, while the IoT is delivering previously unthinkable technological achievements, one of the greatest challenges has been how to secure the interconnectivity of billions of devices… The year ahead promises great advancements for WISeKey and the other innovators in internet technology development and application. And, while we will continue to pioneer the security of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we will do so with a keen awareness of the need to manage the dynamic relationship between humanity and technology. For this will, in fact, secure our future.”
The release goes on, “To address internet security needs and the growing business opportunity, in addition to the integrated WISeKey Vertical Platform solution, the company has also introduced AI at the chip level this year, with the acquisition of a semiconductors company that is now embedding the WISeKey Root of Trust (ROT) and allowing the chips and IoT sensors to provide authenticated data. By integrating AI into the WISeKey Root of Trust and Vertical Platform, WISeKey helps objects develop their own cybersecurity behavior, thus making smarter and safer decisions. In 2017, the company anticipates introducing the WISeKey Root of Trust into over 400 million new devices.”
Read more at Business Wire.
Photo credit: WISeKey