
BlueTalon Selected to Provide Data Governance In New EMC Big Data Offering

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btby Angela Guess

A recent press release states, “BlueTalon, the leader in Data-Centric Security, today announced that Dell EMC™ has chosen BlueTalon to deliver data security and governance for the newly announced Dell EMC Analytic Insights Module. As part of this collaboration, BlueTalon has also become a Dell EMC Select partner. Customers deploying Analytic Insights Module gain immediate access to BlueTalon’s award-winning Policy and Audit Engines. Analytic Insights Module accelerates organizations’ ability to deploy enterprise data lakes by offering a pre-packaged solution. Analytic Insights Module integrates multiple data stores – Hadoop, NoSQL and RDBMS – along with the tools that simplify end-to-end data governance and data access auditing. BlueTalon brings unified access controls, security policies, and auditing capabilities that can be applied across these diverse data platforms without impacting data flows, response times, or user experience.”

The release goes on, “As part of Analytic Insights Module, BlueTalon delivers one central point to define, control, and enforce data authorization, data protection, and audit across Hadoop, SQL, and NoSQL.  From data ingestion, data transformation, and consumption by end users, BlueTalon provides: Precise data authorization down to the most fine-grained data element stored in Hadoop – CDH from Cloudera, HDP from Hortonworks, or HDFS on Isilon, and Greenplum; Filtering and dynamic data masking; Auditing at the data layer, for regulatory compliance or security monitoring purposes.”

Ted Bardasz, Senior Director of Product Management, Hybrid Cloud Platforms, at Dell EMC noted, “One of the core features of Analytic Insights Module is eliminating complexity out of big data while ensuring data governance, regulatory compliance and security for our customers… We are excited to integrate BlueTalon into Analytic Insights Module, as it provides market-leading data security capabilities with best-in-class performance.”

Read more at Globe Newswire.

Photo credit: BlueTalon

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