
Nimbix Expands Market Presence in Cloud-Based Machine Learning

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nimby Angela Guess

According to a new press release, “Nimbix, a leading HPC cloud platform provider, today announced a significant increase in their presence in the machine learning market space as more customers are using their JARVICE platform to help address the need for an easier, more cost efficient way of working with machine learning. Using JARVICE to manage their machine learning process, customers are able to leverage JARVICE’s turnkey workflows, reducing time to deployment from weeks to hours. Built on NVIDIA GPU’s for optimal neural network training, Nimbix’s per-second billing also enables their customers to capture the best economics for the neural network evaluation phase of machine learning.”

The release goes on, “Experienced machine learning developer, Hugh Perkins, author of the popular open source OpenCL libraries DeepCL and cltorch, is an avid user of the Nimbix cloud.  Mr. Perkins chose to work with Nimbix in addressing machine learning due to the powerful platform API, industry-leading selection of GPUs, superior-performance and economics. ‘Nimbix is a breath of fresh air,’ said Mr. Perkins. ‘The per-second billing, spin up times of seconds, and the availability of high end GPUs, make Nimbix an awesome choice for machine learning developers.’ The Nimbix cloud platform is democratized and developer-friendly, allowing users to monetize their trained neural networks in the application marketplace. Democratizing machine learning APIs will distribute the power of neural networks to smaller organizations, allowing for more breakthroughs in life sciences, IoT, automotive, and more.”

Read more at PR Newswire.

Photo credit: Nimbix

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