
AI Company Releases Real-Time Twitter Sentiment System on Trump and Clinton

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Screenshot 2016-07-26 at 3.57.11 PMby Angela Guess

According to a new press release, “Tech start-up Aicial, a machine learning company for social media, today launched a powerful new website dedicated to providing the pubic with real-time data from the world’s tweets relating to Trump and Clinton. The site shows viewers how popular both Presidential candidates are based on mass sentiment values such as positive, neutral and negative. The engine shows how the Twitter-sphere has felt about the candidates over time and also charts trending hashtags used in tweets mentioning them such as #ImWithHer, #DNCinPHL and #DNCLeak. Hashtags are often trending, but when the top hashtags relating to the election are charted together, the scale of an entire political movement can be boiled down to a single number.”

The press release continues, “Aicial Co-Founder and CEO Troy Kelly said there are some companies providing historical media sentiment about the candidates, but data reflecting how the public feel about Trump and Clinton at any given time just isn’t readily available. ‘Aicial is amplifying the power of social media in the political arena by identifying and analyzing over 24 million election specific tweets so far.’ he said. Armed with this new system, those who keenly monitor for changes in the election can witness them not just as they happen, but also the magnitude of those shifts by the thousands. As public debate ensues, viewers can see which side has more support and which side has less. As the world continues to watch social media shape our society, the company says it plans to continue the engine’s development, as the hunger for immediate information on the digital world continues to skyrocket.”

Read more at PRWeb.

Photo credit: Aicial

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