
OASIS MQTT Internet of Things Standard Now Approved by ISO/IEC JTC1

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isoby Angela Guess

A new press release reports, “MQTT, a foundational Internet of Things (IoT) standard developed by the OASIS consortium, has now been approved for release by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Version 3.1.1 of MQTT was balloted through the Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology (JTC1) of ISO and IEC and given the designation ‘ISO/IEC 20922’. MQTT defines an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. Because it requires significantly less bandwidth and is so easy to implement, MQTT is well suited for IoT applications where resources such as battery power and bandwidth are at a premium.”

The release goes on, “The range of MQTT applications continues to grow. In the healthcare sector, practitioners use the protocol to communicate with bio-medical devices such as blood pressure monitors. Oil and gas companies use MQTT to monitor thousands of miles of pipelines. MQTT is emerging as a fundamental enabler for telematics, infotainment, and other connected vehicle applications. MQTT is also becoming increasingly popular for interactive mobile applications. ‘The ISO/IEC approval of MQTT is an exciting milestone, signaling to the world that interoperable IoT solutions can be built with confidence on an open standard foundational transport,’ said Richard Coppen of IBM, co-chair of the OASIS MQTT Technical Committee.”

Read more at PRWeb.

Photo credit: ISO

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