by Angela Guess
Ben Rossi recently wrote in Information Age, “Artificial intelligence is being used all around is, but it looks nothing like The Jetsons. So why are people panicked that robots will take their jobs? The World Economic Forum warned that robots and technological advances will take more than 5 million jobs from humans over the next five years. Machine learning has undoubtedly earned its place in the workforce, but machines don’t necessarily have to replace humans – they can in fact enhance the work humans can do.”
Rossi goes on, “One area where machine learning is flourishing is in the localisation and translation industry. Digital content is exploding as is the number of languages companies want to communicate with their customers in. Increased global competition necessitates faster time-to-market, which leads to increased pressure for companies to push out content fast. And lots of it.”
He continues, “The numbers speak for themselves: 32% of millennial consumers in English-speaking countries prefer to be communicated with in a language other than English and 46% are more likely to purchase from a brand if information is presented in their preferred language – making it even more essential for companies to communicate with audiences across various languages. Translation needs to keep up, but not all content needs to be translated by humans and that is why the industry has looked beyond human translation to meet these growing demands.”
Photo credit: Flickr/ andertoons