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  • Innovative Advocates for Library Visibility on Semantic Web with Launch of Innovative Linked Data

Innovative Advocates for Library Visibility on Semantic Web with Launch of Innovative Linked Data

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bookby Angela Guess

A recent article out of the company reports, “Innovative Interfaces, a leading provider of library automation software that empowers libraries globally, today announced the debut of Innovative Linked Data, a new service that will help transform library visibility on the Semantic Web. Innovative Linked Data leverages the value of existing metadata within the library catalog and resource management system to raise the profile of libraries in web and mobile interactions. ‘Community needs are ever-changing, and as new trends and technologies emerge, libraries must continue to evolve to meet these needs,’ said James Tallman, Chief Executive Officer at Innovative. ‘We have a responsibility to ensure our library partners remain sustainable, relevant, and valuable. With Innovative Linked Data, libraries become a destination site for discovery in the community and beyond’.”

Chuck Gibson, Director and Chief Executive Officer at Worthington Libraries, added, “Linked Data is a real game-changer for library discovery… People rely on search engines like Google as a primary resource for finding information and to have library materials show up in their search results exposes us to a much wider audience. With Innovative Linked Data, it doesn’t matter what the starting point is for finding information online our resources are integrated throughout search results, and now the library is front and center.”

Read more here.

Photo credit: Flickr

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